Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yet another one

I am so fucking pissed off right now.
So DAMN fucking pissed off, you have no idea.
It was 2 am in the morning here,
probably about... 11/12 pm in Singapore,
and I got a call from Zen, and the minute
she heard my voice, she started crying.

Fuck that guy she's with.
Doesn't he know that this is her first
kiss that she will actually remember?
They've been together for like... what,
a month? And he KISSES her?
OF COURSE she'll flip, you have no
idea how fucking fragile she is, damn it.
FUCK. I hate seeing her cry.
Hearing her cry is no better. For an hour
I was just thinking of getting a flight to SG
just to be there for her, & her bloody
mother didn't do any better, now did she.
& she was even more upset when Bella
stopped replying her sms', cos she couldn't
turn to anyone else. I'm pissed off at that too.

I can't stay here with the thought in my mind
that Zen's gonna be like that for a long time.
I just can't...
What am I supposed to do...

1 comment:

  1. hi ceewee.
    I know It's weird having me back in here.
    I know I said that blah blah blah
    it was just in anger.
    Just couldn't accept the fact that you were leaving,
    so, ya.
    Zen's going through a fuckload of shit right now.
    I really don't know what to do as well.
    That's the reason I'm here.
    I don't know what to do, ceewee.
    I'm at a lost too.
    FYI, her mom hates me...
    for no apparent reason.
    But still
    I don't know what to do.
    I'm right next to her
    But afraid.
    Coz if I do something wrong
    I might get her mom pissed
    And she'll be the one who suffers
    I'm still making her laugh
    with my typical bella stupidity.
    And randomness
    But I know the laughter doesn't last.
    I know it doesn't
    I know you came back
    Yes, I still have my push-y powers
    You have to show yourself to her.
    She might cry
    I know you hate it
    But It's better for her to let it all out
    It's hard for me to do it.
    Well, coz.
    I'm not a guy
    It's something only guys can do.
    That weird comfort.
    And I for one should know it.
    Help her let it all out.
    I beg you..
