Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yellow? Blue's there? FREAK

HAHAHAHA. I don't think I've laughed this much
since that time strawberry milkshake came out of
Matt's nose. Zen's such a freak.

Called her today, like I'm doing every other day,
to make sure she's still alive.
Apparently she is. (Damn it...)
We made yet another pact.
If we're both single by the age of 28,
we're getting married. It's a back-up yo.
Not all of us get hot models as wives okay.
Sometimes we have to settle for second best! Hahaha.

Zen's still broken about her break-up.
She really liked that guy, whoever he is.
She said, "I just had to, you know...?"
And you know what? I think I do.
I totally completely understand.
There's just no chemistry. There's
no friendship. There's no... love. I know that feeling yo.
I so get that. I hope she does too, it's not her fault.
He doesn't blame her, she shouldn't blame herself
like she always does. Such a paranoia addict.

Was reminiscing, flippin through photo albums
of Essence. For you guys who have no flippin idea
what that is, it's my old band.
Consisting of the weirdest people in the world.
Zen, Tod, LX, Shun Yi, Jason & Jay.
Aren't they weird? They are, aren't they.
The last photo we took of the gig in Hard rock is
super cool. Zen looks hot.
WHAT?! Nothing.
She was wearing that navy sleeveless & cap I bought for
her from England. Jason has a coffee mustache.
No one told him to clean it.
J still has that emo hair and emo vest. Ha.
Damn we were so close.
Those were good times dude. I think about them a lot.

I had a dream that Ma came to visit me last night.
It was kinda creepy.
I didn't expect it. I imagined myself in my old
room playing my psp, sweating as usual cos of that
stupid air conditioning problem.
Suddenly I heard the door open, and I flipped.
I went out and Ma was there. She was bleeding
from her wrist like how I saw her on the floor
for the last time.
She was so pale. She smiled at me and I
almost started crying. I smiled at her and brought
her to the kitchen to get a drink.
She sat down and didn't touch the drink I prepared
for her. She said she couldn't stay for long,
she told me never to give up and face my problems
head on like how I always did. She tucked my hair
and kissed my forehead before she went out of the house
and I just sat there, shocked.
I wonder whether she's okay, wherever she is now.

Remember that girl I told you about?
The new girl...
Yah her name's Jenna.
She's cute. Funny. Pretty.
I told Zen about her. Zen just went
"HA. I'm surprised that someone like her,
if she's the way you described her,
would actually go for you, LOSER!"
Mega sigh. So her.
I gave Zen a pair of PJs from Aus,
she says it's cute. Apparently she's wearing
it now.

Did I tell you I'm in SG now?
I shocked you didn't I.
I'm staying for two weeks before
I go back again, just a small vacation.
I'm going to visit a few people.
Hanging with the guys, smoking, drinking,
watching porn, the usual. Ha.
Going to kill Tray, for giving Zen a hard

The maybes' :
The guy Zen was dating.
DW. To kill him once and for all.
Zen's CT friends.
SJI peeps.

Those are maybe's.
Gotta think.

I went to Kallang.
Asking me why the hell I went so far for right?
To see Zen and Bella.
I got a glance of them, I think
Zen saw me. So I ran to carpark. HA!
Watched them play all the way till 5 or 6 I think.
I almost ran over to bella, she looked sad man.
And Zen was laughing like a stupid person, as usual.

Crud. I gotta shower now.
Post another time.

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